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Dr. Jane Bye, D.C.


Dr. Jane Bye is a Chiropractor practicing in Shoreview, MN. Dr. Bye specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system, while improving each patients functionality and quality of life. Conditions treated include sciatica, neck pain, and arthritis pain, among many others. Dr. Bye seeks to reduce pain and discomfort through manipulation and adjustment of the spine.
42 years Experience
Dr. Jane Bye, D.C.
  • Northwestern Health Sciences
  • Accepting new patients

Can a chiropractor help with a disc hernia?

Many times we can it depends on how large it is and if it's pressing on the spinal cord in the canal.

Can disc hernia be healed?

It depends on the severity of the disc herniation. But they can often be treated conservatively withchiropractic care and can heal.

What exercises to avoid with a bulging disc?

Avoid lifting heavy weights with bending. Avoid twisting and bending combined motions. Avoid prolonged sitting, Walking and standing are best. It's best to be evaluated and treated READ MORE
Avoid lifting heavy weights with bending. Avoid twisting and bending combined motions. Avoid prolonged sitting, Walking and standing are best. It's best to be evaluated and treated with this condition with chiropractic care or physical therapy, sometimes medical intervention is needed which is dependent on the severity of the problem. . <> <> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Is it better to rest or exercise a frozen shoulder?

I would suggest getting some therapy either chiropractic or physical therapy. You need to get motion into the joint!

Does frozen shoulder ever go away?

Yes, acute frozen shoulders often get better with chiropractic care and or physical therapy.

What type of treatment is best for a disc hernia?

I generally use cox distraction method to help the disc to reset and then ultrasound to take down swelling or inflammation in the disc. <> <> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Can I see a chiropractor for shoulder impingement?

Yes, chiropractors treatment many different shoulder conditions successfully.

What exercises can I do for my neck pain?

Thank you for your inquiry. I would recommend getting an evaluation of your spine to determine the cause of your pain before making treating recommendations. We would be happy READ MORE
Thank you for your inquiry. I would recommend getting an evaluation of your spine to determine the cause of your pain before making treating recommendations. We would be happy to help you. Call 651483-4040 at Steffen Chiropractic Center.

Can I exercise with a disc hernia?

You do need to be careful with disc herniations until they heal. Depending

Is disc hernia serious?

Disc herniations can be very painful. Sometimes you just feel low back pain, other times it travels down your leg. It depends on the severity of the herniation. It is best to avoid READ MORE
Disc herniations can be very painful. Sometimes you just feel low back pain, other times it travels down your leg. It depends on the severity of the herniation. It is best to avoid sitting and bending as that increases the pressure on the disc. Rather stand or walk. We as chiropractors have been able to treat this condition successfully in many cases and the disc is able to heal with scar tissue. I would recommend getting care for it which will help the healing process. If I can be of help to you feel free to contact me at Steffen Chiropractic Center . 651-483-4040. <> <> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Can back pain be fixed with exercises?

A combination of chiropractic care and specific exercises generally gives the best outcome for back pain.

Can you help with a neck sprain?

Yes, we commonly treat clients who have had a neck sprain or strain.

What can I do for disc hernia pain?

Chiropractic care can help disc pain and ultrasound helps bring down the swelling. Avoid sitting, bending and twisting.

Can scoliosis be fixed with exercise?

It depends how severe the scoliosis is. You may see mild improvements in posture with chiropractic adjustments combined with exercise.

How to treat lower back pain?

As a chiropractor I do a complete history and exam and then determine the treatment needed. It often includes adjustments to the spinal joints to restore normal movement and therapies READ MORE
As a chiropractor I do a complete history and exam and then determine the treatment needed. It often includes adjustments to the spinal joints to restore normal movement and therapies to relax the muscles and take down inflammation. Later exercises are given to strengthen the spine.

Can you treat back pain?

Yes, chiropractors are trained in treating back pain. Generally people recover quite well.

Can a chiropractor fix a misaligned spine?

Chiropractors are trained to do spinal adjustments to help restore normal joint function as well as giving you exercises to help restore flexibility and strength to the spine. READ MORE
Chiropractors are trained to do spinal adjustments to help restore normal joint function as well as giving you exercises to help restore flexibility and strength to the spine. Dr. Jane Bye

Can a chiropractor help with fluid on the knee?

What is causing the fluid on the knee? Did you have a fall or trauma to it? Chiropractors often treat knee issues as swelling is common after an injury. Therapies can be applied READ MORE
What is causing the fluid on the knee? Did you have a fall or trauma to it? Chiropractors often treat knee issues as swelling is common after an injury. Therapies can be applied to bring down the swelling as well as correction of any misalignments of the knee..

What should I avoid with a bulging disc?

If you are speaking of a low back bulging disc, generally prolonged sitting and forward bending will aggravate a disc. Standing, walking and lying are best. Avoid heavy lifting. READ MORE
If you are speaking of a low back bulging disc, generally prolonged sitting and forward bending will aggravate a disc. Standing, walking and lying are best. Avoid heavy lifting. <> <> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

How do you get rid of leg pain after working out legs?

Leg pain after working out can be normal if it's just muscle aches from being used. If you have some joint dysfunction causing the pain you should see a chiropractor and have it READ MORE
Leg pain after working out can be normal if it's just muscle aches from being used. If you have some joint dysfunction causing the pain you should see a chiropractor and have it evaluated as you may need some adjustments. <> <> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>