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Dr. Angelita Estadilla, MD


Dr. Angelita Estadilla is an internist practicing Baltimore, MD. Dr. Estadilla specializes in the medical treatment of adults hospitalist. Internists can act as a primary physician or a consultant to a primary physician. They manage both common and rare diseases. Dr. Estadilla provides comprehensive care and manages treatment with surgeons as well. Dr. Estadilla works as a adult hospitalist. She acts a primary care physician in the hospital setting. Manages complex medical issues.
18 years Experience
Dr. Angelita Estadilla, MD
  • Baltimore, MD
  • St. Christopher Iba Mar Diop College of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Can vitamin supplements increase sperm count?

No vitamin supplements can increase the sperm count.

How do you treat an enlarged uterus?

Depends on your symptoms. Usually, ob/GYN manages this issues.

What are the treatment options for vaginal yeast infection?

Antifungal medication is oral or vaginal. Also, Monistat vaginal. You have to see your primary care physician for the prescription.


Depends on what kind of lump. Mobile, round. Also depends on the location. Recommend you to see a physician for examination

Is cervical exam painful?

It’s not painful, but it is uncomfortable

What can I do for high blood sugar levels?

First diet modification including low carbohydrate diet. If you are not on medication for diabetes, you probably will need to start. Depends on your hemoglobin A1c, either your READ MORE
First diet modification including low carbohydrate diet. If you are not on medication for diabetes, you probably will need to start. Depends on your hemoglobin A1c, either your need oral medicine or insulin