Hypnosis for Phobia and Fear

Victor Tsan Homeopathic Physician Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Victor Tsan, CHP, is the founder of the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic. Victor Tsan began his medical career when he graduated with honors from the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Moldova, USSR in the spring of 1976. After this initial success, Victor pursued his first internship in Psychotherapy at 1st... more

Treatment for phobias always begins with a detailed diagnosis. It is essential to understand the severity of phobia, the environments that trigger episodes of phobia, and, most importantly, what was the initial factor that led to the phobia’s development. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can aid, specifically, a treatment called either desensitization therapy or direct exposure treatment. This strategy includes progressively increasing your exposure to things you are afraid of, at your own pace, in controlled situations. As you are subjected to these things, you are taught to understand your fear through relaxation, breathing control, or other anxiety-reducing techniques. For short-term therapy for phobias, your doctor may prescribe an antianxiety medication. If the anxiety is faced only sometimes, as in the worry of flying, using the medication can be limited.

Read more: https://philahypnosis.com/phobia-fear