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Dr. Selam Totonchi


Dr. Selam Totonchi is a Dentist practicing in Wheaton, IL. Dr. Totonchi specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures, and performing examinations, among many others.
12 years Experience
Dr. Selam Totonchi
  • Wheaton, IL
  • University of Illinois - U/C
  • Accepting new patients

How long should I wait for partial dentures?

Best to wait around 2-3 months after the extraction. Dr. Totonchi

Are dental sealants good?

Yes, research shows that dental sealants reduce risk of cavities on the molar teeth by 80%. Dr. Totonchi

What helps with gingivitis?

I you floss every day, the gingivitis will go away. That is your only solution. Dr. Totonchi

Is it okay to have sensitivity after a filling?

Yes, sensitivity may last for a month.

How can I clean my dental bridge?

A waterpik or floss threader will clean under the bridge just fine.

Can I use a Waterpik with a crown?

Yes, it helps remove food that gets stuck in between

Can I clean under the bridge with a flosser?

You can use a floss threader or a water pik to clean under a bridge daily.

What is the most comfortable type of partial denture?

Its not really about comfort, more about functionality and how many teeth are being replaced. If only a few teeth are being replaced, then a flexible partial may be most comfortable. READ MORE
Its not really about comfort, more about functionality and how many teeth are being replaced. If only a few teeth are being replaced, then a flexible partial may be most comfortable. Dr. Totonchi

Can I use salt rinse for swollen gum?

Yes but if there is an infection or abscess coming from the tooth, then that will not solve the problem. Dr. Totonchi

How long will my jaw be swollen after the implant?

A few days to one week at most. Dr. Totonchi

My mom

One of the bottom right teeth are most likely infected. Xrays will be needed to determine which tooth and decide whether to do a root canal or take the tooth out. Dr. Totonchi

White side of tongue

Yes, you need to get a biopsy to determine what is going on. The sooner the better because it could be squamous cell carcinoma which is a type of cancer.

What pain medications are good after implant surgery?

Ibuprofen 600mg and Tylenol 500mg taken together every 6 hours. Dr. Totonchi

How long after a root canal can I eat?

You can eat once the numbing wears off. If you eat while numb. Just be careful not to bite your tongue or cheeks. Dr Totonchi

Should dentures fit without adhesive?

Sometimes you may need some adhesive to make them more stable. Dentures fit better if there is more available bone support in the mouth.

How do I stop my teeth from shifting without a retainer?

You cannot fully stop shifting without some kind of retainer.

How long after implant can I use electric toothbrush?

Immediately, just be gentle in that area. Dr. Totonchi

How should I clean partial dentures?

After you eat, rinse them with water. Over night, place them in a cup of water with Polident tablet.

How long do zirconia crowns last?

They can last up to 30 years if you take good care of them by brushing and flossing everyday. Usually getting 10 years out of a crown before needing to replace it is minimum we READ MORE
They can last up to 30 years if you take good care of them by brushing and flossing everyday. Usually getting 10 years out of a crown before needing to replace it is minimum we try to get. Dr. Totonchi