Healthy Living

Last Minute Gift Ideas for Parkinson's Patients this Holiday Season

Last Minute Gift Ideas for Parkinson's Patients this Holiday Season

After a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease, life clearly changes. Christmas might be a good time to give a loved one with Parkinson's a gift that can make life just a little bit easier. 

For people who want to give the perfect gift, knowing where to start gift-wise for those with Parkinson’s disease is just another way to spread the cheer this holiday season. Sometimes even, the best gift that someone can truly give is themselves.

Before listing the various types of gifts that those who have Parkinson’s might enjoy, we also want to note that giving time and compassion is another valuable gift for anyone! If they have a favorite restaurant or enjoy walking in a park, it can go a long way, even if this gift isn't exactly a material one. Some people might find that leaving their home with Parkinson’s is no longer possible when they are alone, although they are able to go with friends and family members who are able to take them out.

Some great gifts that someone with Parkinson’s might enjoy could be dependent upon where they are at in their stages and their symptoms. There are plenty of gifts out there that patients are able to enjoy with this condition, and some who have other chronic conditions may also enjoy these gifts!  So, if you have a special someone that you haven't gotten for yet, or if you want to just drop one or two hints for your loved to get you something really good this holiday season, here are just a few ideas:

For card game lovers

Who doesn't like playing cards? Although, one very important aspect with any card game is knowing how to shuffle the cards well, and with Parkinson's, this could be difficult to do. An electronic card shuffler may be the best thing to get for your loved one who also likes to play cards. This is not just available in a casino, but you can get it pretty much anywhere online or in the stores. Another good idea is getting a card holder for those who enjoy playing, yet find that they are unable to because of the shakes and tremors that they are experiencing. These can be found in stores and online as well.

Even for those who might have not enjoyed cards before could also find that they are able to enjoy them now in a different way. Some hobbies are likely to be given up with this condition, and this is just one that could be easily picked up. There are different games for them to enjoy, and while at their home, playing cards can be something they can do to not only pass the time, but also for some therapy to relax their mind.