Third Trimester

Ways to Overcome Indigestion During Pregnancy

Ways to Overcome Indigestion During Pregnancy

Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, is a very common problem that many people encounter. Indigestion is the burning or pang sensation that is felt in the upper abdomen just below the breast bone. This condition occurs in about 20% of individuals in the United States alone. Indigestion is also a common problem faced by many pregnant women.

If you are currently pregnant and experiencing indigestion, continue reading and learn the five ways in which you can overcome indigestion during pregnancy.

Why is Indigestion So Common in Pregnancy?

Indigestion is a very common ailment that is experienced during pregnancy. Nearly 80% of women who are expecting have reported indigestion at some point during their pregnancy. Women who are only in the first few weeks of their pregnancy have reported a strong burning or painful sensation in their upper abdomen, just below the breast bone, that occurs soon after consuming a meal.

Other women experience indigestion as their pregnancy advances. As the baby bump of the expecting mother increases in size, they begin to feel as if there is no space left for food in their belly. However, the important fact is that every pregnant woman will likely experience a bout of indigestion at some point during their journey to motherhood. For women who are pregnant, the indigestion that is experienced may cause an increase in discomfort and lead to nausea or bloating. During the early stages of pregnancy, indigestion is mainly a result of the hormonal changes that are taking place within the body. As the pregnancy advances, the main culprit behind indigestion is the growing uterus that compresses on the stomach.

What Are the Symptoms of Indigestion?

The following are some of the symptoms of indigestion:

  • Abdominal fullness – Those who are suffering with indigestion will likely feel an increase in abdominal fullness.
  • Nausea and vomiting – You may feel nauseous during a bout of indigestion and this nausea could even result in vomiting.
  • Burping – While burping is a perfectly common function of the body, it is also one of the common symptoms experienced by those suffering from indigestion. Increased gas production is often the cause of burping for individuals experiencing indigestion.
  • Burning sensation – It is not uncommon for pregnant women suffering from indigestion to experience a burning sensation or pain in the upper abdomen.
  • Feeling sick – Indigestion is an all-around unpleasant experience, so a general feeling of sickness is common for those dealing with a bout of indigestion.

How Can You Beat Indigestion During Pregnancy?

Indigestion is a really troublesome symptom experienced by almost all pregnant women at some point during their pregnancy. However, one should not become discouraged or depressed by this. Here are a few ways in which you can easily avoid indigestion during pregnancy.

1. Stay away from fatty and spicy foods!

Yes, it is true that hot and spicy as well as fatty foods are delicious and mouth-watering. Many women who are expecting tend to crave these types of foods. However, it is recommended that these foods be avoided since they can make indigestion much worse.

If you are pregnant and succumb to your cravings for foods that are rich in both spices and fat, it is important to remember that you will have to pay the price for eating them.

2. Consume frequent smaller meals instead of gulping heavy meals all at once

To avoid indigestion during pregnancy, consume small and more frequent meals rather than consuming a large amount of food all at once. Consuming smaller meals more frequently throughout the day will help you soothe your indigestion. Yes, there is a myth which states that all pregnant women should eat for two, but this does not mean that you should consume more food than you actually need. 

3. Maintain a food diary

There are many different varieties of food that can lead to indigestion. However, the specific foods that may cause indigestion can vary from one woman to another. It is important to identify which foods tend to worsen your indigestion. To help pinpoint these foods, it is recommended to maintain a food diary. In this food diary, make a note of any foods that have aggravated or brought about your indigestion. Maintaining a food diary will help you avoid any foods that have effected your stomach negatively. Thus, avoiding those painful and uncomfortable moments brought on by indigestion.

However, it is important that you do not cut out any of the vital nutrients that your baby requires.

4. Do not eat late in the night

When you consume food while lying down in bed, the contents of your stomach can easily make their way to your esophagus.

So what do you think will happen if you have a late night meal? Your stomach will have a relatively small period of time to digest all of the food that you have just eaten before you climb into bed. Therefore, that food in your stomach may move up to the esophagus and thus result in causing indigestion. If you become really hungry just before you are about to go to bed, then only eat something that is light and plain like a small snack.  

5. Drink some milk to soothe the digestion

Consuming milk can help ease the digestive process and avoid indigestion. Both yogurt and ice-cream have similar cooling effects that can soothe digestion. However, consuming milk, yogurt, or ice-cream may not prove effective for some women and may even worsen the symptoms of indigestion in some cases.

The Bottom Line

Indigestion is common for women who are pregnant, it can occur in the very early stages of pregnancy or as the pregnancy progresses into later stages. However, it is important not to let indigestion bring you down.

For pregnant women suffering from indigestion, it is recommended to try the tips listed above as they may help to ease or even avoid indigestion. Your pregnancy should be a joyous and memorable time in your life, don’t let the pain and discomfort of indigestion spoil it