OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) | Gynecology Questions

Abnormal Sensation

Ever since I was little I have felt way too much in my lady parts. I feel like my mind is connected to it, if that makes any sense. I have been able to control a movement down there which is the same movement/contraction that I feel when I orgasm. And once I do, I lose control of being able to make it contract. It makes me frustrated to no end because there’s no stopping it. When I’m just laying around in bed, I will try not to think about it but then my mind just makes it move over and over and if there are things around me that are upsetting, for some reason it feels like the area down there feels a lot of pressure and then I get frustrated for no reason. Just because that feeling is so annoying and I’ve lived with it for way too long. And no doctor has ever been able to answer what it is.

Female | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 26 years
Conditions: Anxiety

1 Answer

You may have a condition called persistent genital arousal disorder. Medications, stress, and certain types of exercise can be associated, but it is not well understood. Do some research yourself and connect with gynecologist and a therapist with an interest in sexual medicine.