Foot & Ankle Surgeon Questions

Broken ankle

I broke my ankle in February and had surgery in March 2nd. I broke all 3 bones and dislocated it. I have two plates, 2 screws, and a stabilizing pin. My dr has yet to let me walk on it (I suspect it’s because I weigh 274). I have no pain at all. Full movement. He gave me a boot. But I lost my insurance so cannot get the stabilizing pin out. When can I walk on it and is it necessary to take the pin out

Female | 52 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Medications: None
Conditions: Broken ankle

1 Answer

At this point if you have no pain, I would not worry about that stabilizing pin. It is preferable to remove it before you start walking on it, but in your case there is no pain and your range of motion is good and pain free. I would not worry about it unless it starts bothering you. Dr. V.