Dentist Questions Denturist

Can I clean my dentures with toothpaste?

I got my dentures 2 days ago. Can I clean my dentures with toothpaste?

7 Answers

No Never, toothpaste is too abrasive for dentures, soak your dentures in denture cleaner some for 3 min.'s Only others for ten min.'s only no longer than that and brush with water and a denture brush. Never leave over night in cleaners it will weaken the pink. some cleaners like above say 3 min.'s will say on pack. Others can go for 10 min.'s no longer with any cleaner.
No need to clean your denture with toothpaste but you can clean them with a denture brush and dish washing soap.
best regimen is to clean with a soft bristled brush, or toothbrush using mild soap and water. toothpaste is too abrasive. soak dentures overnite in water or cleaning solution

Dr. Bruni
Toothpaste can tend to be quite abrasive on a denture. You are better off just with water and a drop of dish detergent.
No. I recommend cleaning dentures with Dr. B cleaning solution or a denture cleaning tablet
You have cleaning solutions made it for a Dentures to keep them Clean.
Is overcounter
You should not use toothpaste since it is too abrasive. There are many over the counter solutions to clean acrylic dentures.