Dentist Questions Dentist

Can I get a filling on wisdom teeth?

I have a wisdom tooth cavity. Can I get a filling on my wisdom teeth?

9 Answers

Yes but it all starts with an evaluation. Not all wisdom teeth need to be extracted. If a patient wants to keep a wisdom tooth for the interim and hold off on extracting them, we can place a "bandaid" restoration to keep them longer until a patient is ready to have them extracted. If you would like a follow-up to your question or concern, we would love to see you! If you are in the area, please give us a call to schedule an appointment.

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Yes, you can. An extraction is sometimes a better option if a filling is just delaying the inevitable. But if the wisdom tooth erupts and the cavity is fillable then yes you can fill it.

Dear Reader, Great question.  The answer is YES, you can get a wisdom tooth filled if it has a cavity.  A wisdom tooth is just a nickname for the third molar. While you get your first molars at age 6 and the second molars at age 12, the third molars erupt somewhere between 17 and 22 years of age. That's when you should be "wiser" with age. If your third molar (aka wisdom tooth) is erupted and functioning, then there's no reason to remove it.  If it has a cavity and can be restored, then fill it.  Of course, since they're so far back in the mouth, you should spend extra time making sure they're thoroughly brushed and flossed. Hope this helps!
Yea, your dentist will determine if it is possible to do a filling on a wisdom tooth or if the wisdom tooth needs to be removed.
Hello, By all means, you can have a filling placed on a wisdom tooth. However, my professional opinion is not to spend a lot of money on a wisdom tooth. If a relatively small filling will solve the problem then move forward. If not, then have the tooth extracted. I do not recommend to my patients to have a crown (cap) placed on wisdom teeth. I don't feel wisdom teeth are worthy of that kind of investment. Hope you found this helpful!
Yes, you can do fillings on wisdom teeth. But it also depends on the scenario. If the tooth fully erupted, can we get instruments all the way back there to do a good filling? So if it can be saved, yes. But we would need to take X-rays and diagnose.
Yes, you can have a filling on a wisdom tooth. Now the follow-up question is whether or not you should have a filling on a wisdom tooth versus removing/extracting it. These factors include the size of the cavity, cleanability, how healthy the gums are back there if there is bone loss,
space available in the mouth, etc to name a few. It is the judgment call of your doctor of what treatment they diagnose and recommend.
You can. However, it depends on the location of the wisdom tooth. Sometimes, the wisdom tooth could be so malpositioned that it becomes impossible to keep clean or even reach to place a filling. In that case, it would be better to extract the wisdom tooth.
Yes. If your dentist decides it’s necessary. Typically, wisdom teeth are extracted or not in biting occlusion so not needed. They contribute to periodontal issues (gum problems) in “some” patients as well. If you are chewing with them, and have a healthy periodontal condition around them… then yes it makes sense to spend money restoring them many times. Again, it’s a patient to a patient situation. Go to a dentist you can always trust.