Dental Hygienist Questions Periodontist

Can pinhole gum surgery fix gum recession around the crown?

I have gum recession around my crown. Can pinhole gum surgery fix gum recession around the crown?

3 Answers

Pinhole gum surgery can bring the gum back to a level closer to the crown of the tooth. It cannot cover the edge of a crown. It can move the gum several millimeters, not an inch.
The procedure is a minimally invasive dental procedure used to straighten or correct uneven or receding gum lines along the crown of the tooth.
Thank you for your question.
It all depends if it is a true recession, or root defect and if you gums are healthy or you have periodontal disease with bone loss. Pinhole surgery will not work for recession caused by severe bone loss and periodontal disease. If there is a root defect, pinhole surgery and restorative procedures might be needed only if there is not an active periodontal disease or a significant bone loss.