Acupuncturist Questions Allergist and Immunologist

Can seasonal allergies be stopped?

I have seasonal allergies. Can seasonal allergies be stopped?

6 Answers

yes, acupuncture
Seasonal allergies can be relieved and gradually eliminated by acupuncture and herbs. I would suggest 2-3 sessions per week for 3-6 weeks in a row.
●Yes it  can be permanently cured with Homeopathy Treatment . ●Very effective medicines are there in Homeopathic ●With my treatment of 1.5 month you will get permanent relief. ●Will prescribe the complete treatment ●You can consult me now through online     Warm regards
Check with your local acupuncturist for treatments and herbs. Otherwise, allergy shots from an allopathic allergist can be very effective.
Yes, it can be stopped , you can try acupuncture.
Sometimes, yes. None of the methods for handling seasonal allergy are going to be instant; they all take time to work.