Dentist Questions Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

Do you get CT scan before implant surgery?

I want to get an implant for my missing tooth. Do you get CT scan before implant surgery?

9 Answers

As a surgeon I always obtain CBCT prior to implant surgery. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is a great diagnostic tool because of detailed information it provides.
It gives the surgeon three-dimensional view of the patient's jawbone, teeth, and surrounding structures. It helps in determining the exact location for implant placement, ensuring optimal positioning and angulation which minimizes the risk of complications and improves the long-term success of the implant.
CBCT allows the visualization of important anatomical structures such as the maxillary sinuses, nasal cavity, and the inferior alveolar nerve. This helps in avoiding these areas during surgery, reducing the risk of nerve damage or sinus perforation.
For patients who may require bone grafting or sinus lifts, CBCT is a great tool in planning these procedures by providing accurate measurements and visualization of the bone defects.
CBCT can reveal hidden dental pathologies such as cysts, tumors, or infections that may need to be addressed before implant placement.
And lastly, the detailed information from a CBCT scan allows for better treatment planning, enabling the creation of surgical guides that facilitate precise implant placement.
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A CBCT (or 3D cone beam) scan has become standard of care for dental implant surgery. Your surgeon will use the 3D image to obtain a detailed assessment of jawbone quality and quantity, confirm the location of important anatomical structures, and even virtually plan your future implant. The use of 3D imaging enhances the precision, safety, and success of dental implant surgery.
You do not need a CT scan before placing an implant. A CT scan is very nice to have especially when close to nerves however a very seasons implant specialist usually doesnt need one.
Yes, you get CT scan before implant surgery.

It's NOW considered a standard of care to have CT scans done for any implant surgery. These scans provide detailed 3D images of the jawbone to assess bone density, quality, and structure, which help to proper treatment planning, ensuring the precise location and angle for implant placement, and reducing the risk of complications. It's an essential part of ensuring the safety and effectiveness of implant surgery.
Yes, a CT scan is often recommended before implant surgery to assess bone quality and quantity. It helps ensure the success of the procedure. Thank you for your question, and best of luck with your implant journey!
The standard of care for implant surgery at this time is to obtain three-dimensional imaging of the region of interest. Dentists, oral surgeons, or other dental professionals trained in implant surgery will often get a CBCT as part of implant planning at your consultation appointment. This will allow them to see the three-dimensional volume of bone and any adjacent structures (teeth, sinus, nerve) in order to reduce risks and improve outcomes.
Yes, a CT scan should be acquired before any implant placement.