Ophthalmologist Questions

Eye lid bump

Last month I have noticed a tiny bump o n my upper eyelash lid. Is pink It doesn't bother me. Is pink not swollen and it hasn't any liquid in. Just unsure what it could be

Female | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 14-1-21
Medications: Ma
Conditions: Eye lid bump

2 Answers

Hi, it appears you had this bump a while ago. I hope it has been resolved. Bumps on the eyelid can be many different things, ranging from a plugged eyelid gland to a stye, a skin tag, or something more dangerous, such as malignant growth. I hope you had an eye doctor look at it, and if not, I recommend that you do.
It is most likely a meibomian gland cyst or another glandular cyst. Try warm compresses with eyelash scrubs with warm water to help it open and resolve. If unsuccessful, visit a doctor to check this out fully.