Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How do I know if I have computer vision syndrome?

I am a 32 year old male. I wonder how can I know if I have computer vision syndrome?

5 Answers

Computer Vision Syndrome is a constellation of findings that may include general fatigue, eye fatigue, sore eyes (esp at the end of the day), blurry vision that comes and goes esp while using the computer, distance vision that takes a few moments to refocus after using the computer for a while.  A complete eye exam should uncover the specific reasons why this is happening, of which there can be many.  In addition to glasses, some simple eye exercises may be of benefit.  . 
If you have eye fatigue or blurry vision after using computers for extended periods of time you could have computer syndrome Seversl things can help 1 use artificial tears when you start 2 take a 20 second break every 20 minutes and look into the distance beyond 20 feet . This will relax your eyes and let you get another 20 minutes of computer work in.
You will need an eye exam, because there are many causes of CVS. See an ophthalmologist or optometrist. SO
If you are experiencing eyestrain or other eye symptoms I suggest you see your ophthalmologist for an evaluation.
If you have computer vision syndrome you could possibly be too impaired to it up on Wikipedia-

Some symptoms of CVS include headaches, blurred vision, neck pain, fatigue, eye strain,[1] dry eyes, irritated eyes, double vision, vertigo/dizziness, polyopia, and difficulty refocusing the eyes. These symptoms can be further aggravated by improper lighting conditions (i.e. glare,[2][3] strong blue-spectrum backlights,[citation needed] or bright overhead lighting) or air moving past the eyes (e.g. overhead vents, direct air from a fan).