Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

How long after anesthesia are you back to normal?

I will have surgery under general anesthesia. How long after anesthesia are you back to normal?

4 Answers


You are asking how long following anesthesia for a medical condition are you back to normal.

I am guessing that “normal” to you is a condition of normal thinking, activities, and conversation. The answer to this question is not simple. In general anesthesia is a portion of a medical procedure during which medications cause one to go to sleep. In general anesthesia there is no memory of what took during the procedure. Other forms of anesthesia are local and are basically used to cause numbness in the area of the operation. Generally a patient stays awake during these forms of local anesthesia.

Generally, thinking and conversation are restored (back to normal) shortly after the surgery is complete. Drowsiness may persist for a couple of days following awakening. Activity levels however depend on the procedure being performed and the recovery period following the surgery.

It is best to ask your doctor about expected recovery times and what activities may be expected following surgery.

Good luck.
24 hrs to be good to drive and operate heavy equipment, longer for long procedures.

Brett Cassevah RN
It of course depends on many factors. How long were you under? Which
procedure? What meds were given? What is your age and general health? ...
This question is one for the Dr. doing the procedure or that specialty
office which you are referring to.
The Surgery dictates that, not the anesthesia.