Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How long should I rest my eyes from contacts?

I want to wear contacts. How long should I rest my eyes from contacts?

7 Answers

what kind of symptoms?
Always safe to rest your eyes at night to avoid eye infection like corneal ulcers.
Generally remove them at night after work especially of you are not going out and on weekends when you are just hanging around the house
Your eye doctor should have determined how long you should be wearing your contact lenses on a daily basis or an extended wear basis before you dispose of them. Any sleeping in contact lenses should also be discussed with your eye doctor. The question that I have for you is, "why do you feel that it is necessary to rest your eyes"? Are your eyes red, are your contact lenses uncomfortable, are you getting headaches, are things that you need to see in the distance or close, blurry or out of focus, are you using any rewetting eye drops or other types of drops, are you using the contact lens solutions that were prescribed for you and your specific contact lens brand? I always suggest to my patients that they have a pair of glasses as a back- up especially in times of emergencies or when they may not want to wear their contact lenses. I would suggest that you have a discussion with your eye doctor if any of my concerns are true or if there are any other issues of concern. Good luck and best wishes.
It is recommended to give your eyes a break from contact lenses on a daily basis. Make sure you do not put the lenses on the minute you wake up and remove them right before bed. The eye needs to be in an open eye state with no contact lens in order to get oxygen to the eye.
Don’t sleep in contact. You can wear them for 10-12 hrs a day.
It depends on individual factors.