Dentist Questions Dentist

How should I clean my dentures?

I got dentures last week. How should I clean my dentures?

5 Answers

Yes, everyday.
Denture cleaning: get a special large denture brush, and clean your denture under lukewarm water with just a bush or soap ( no toothpaste- it contains abrasive particles that are too harsh for plastic). In a plastic or glass container dissolve a denture-disinfecting tablet like Polident or, Effeddrent , just to name a few. Keep your denture in the solution for a minimum of 3 minutes in the morning and the evening.
A mild solution of sodium bicarbonate in water should be sufficient. Avoid toothpastes or abrasive denture pastes. Just soak the dentures overnight in the solution of sodium bicarbonate then wash them off in running water before placing them back in your mouth in the morning. Avoid smoking or excessive drinking, but rinse your mouth (and your dentures you are wearing) with water after taking alcohol. There are some commercial products that claim to provide cleaning and you may use them as long as they do not contain any abrasives. DENTIST
Here are some tips for cleaning dentures: * Brush daily Brush your dentures at least once a day with a denture cleanser and a soft-bristled brush. You can also brush your gums and tongue with fluoride toothpaste before putting your dentures back in. * Soak overnight Soak your dentures in a denture-cleaning solution or white vinegar overnight to remove bacteria and stains, and keep your mouth healthy. * Rinse Rinse your dentures thoroughly with warm water before putting them back in your mouth, especially if you use a denture-soaking solution. * Remove after eating Take out your dentures after eating, and clean your mouth afterwards. * Clean grooves If you use denture adhesive, clean the grooves that fit against your gums to remove any remaining adhesive. * Use mouthwash Rinse your mouth with mouthwash after brushing to give your mouth a refreshed feeling and provide relief from denture irritations. You can remove dentures before using mouthwash, or use mouthwash designed for denture wearers.
You can use toothbrush to clean denture with antibacterial liquid soap, then rinse with water and store it in the cup of water at night. Use room temperature water.