Rheumatologist Questions Rheumatologist

How to help finger arthritis?

What can I do about the swelling in my finger from arthritis?

Female | 62 years old

3 Answers

Some general strategies that may help alleviate symptoms of arthritis in the fingers, including:

Applying hot and cold packs: Alternating between hot and cold packs can help reduce swelling in the fingers.

Hand exercises: Doing exercises designed to maintain joint mobility and strengthen the muscles around the affected joints may help improve finger dexterity and reduce pain.

Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed medications from a healthcare professional may be recommended to manage pain and inflammation.

Splinting: Using splints or braces can provide support and reduce stress on the affected finger joints

I hope this helps!
the most important factor here is determining what specific type of arthritis that you have. Typically if you have pain or stiffness or swelling or enlargement of the and knuckles or the middle knuckles or the base of the thumb, you most likely have osteoarthritis. But again rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriatic arthritis, pseudogout, gouty arthritis and other forms of arthritis need to be differentiated . Treatment can include acetaminophen, topical diclofenac, a local steroid injection, or low doses of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Having said this, I would advise you to see your doctor about this
We advise using paraffin wax bath, squeeze balls and sometimes supplements