Urologist Questions Urologist

I have blood in my urine?

I am a 73 year old male. A primary care doctor said I had a UTI, the nurse several days later said the culture came back negative. I told the nurse at the urine doctor that and the doctor gave me another antibiotic for another month urine still shows blood after 7 days on doxycycline. I'm trying garlic cloves as a solution. What should I do?

Male | 73 years old

6 Answers

See urologist , to rule out cancer.
You need to see a urologist
Blood in the urine can come from anywhere in the urinary system including the kidney, ureters, or bladder. Blood in the urine caused by a urinary infection should clear after the infection clears. If you are still having blood in the urine, I will recommend you see a urologist evaluate your bladder by doing a cystoscopy to ensure you do not have any growth in your bladder.
You need to see a urologist so they can look into your bladder and do a sonogram of your kidneys. There are other reasons for blood in the urine.
Common causes at your age include, but are not limited to:

1) UTI, prostatitis
2) kidney stones
3) bladder cancer
4) kidney cancer

If this does not completely resolve in a couple of weeks with a course of good antibiotics, you need to consider having a CT IVP and then maybe a CYSTOSCOPY (to r/o BLADDER CANCER) if the CT IVP doesn't show any underlying cause.
Keep working with your doctor, the urologist, or the doctor taking care of UTIs. If you have a urologist, that would be best. Stick with one doctor, the urologist for this matter. The urologist may have done cystoscopy for you and evaluated your prostate or gotten U/S of your kidneys. Sometimes the culture is negative if you had been on antibiotics within 2-3 days of getting new culture. Sometimes, the prostate is infected. You need continued expert help from urologist at your age.