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Is ankle sprain serious?

I sprained my ankle. Is ankle sprain serious? What are the treatment options?

4 Answers

Typically ankle sprains are not considered serious. They can be treated conservatively with wrapping with an ACE Bandage, Ice, Elevation, anti-inflammatory medication, rest, and light range of motion activity. However, there are 'high ankle sprains' that are considered more serious and these potentially require surgery or Orthopedic consultation.
Ankle sprains can be mild to severe. The first line treatment is rest, ice and elevation. I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment options
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About 30% of ankle sprains result in an ankle fracture. But, in general, they are not 'serious,' unless you lose stability of the ankle.
A sprained ankle can be serious, but generally if you're able to tolerate putting weight through it and walking then a progressive overloading program would be ideal.