Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Neck problem?

I was suffering from a feeling of pressure and stiffness in my neck. Eventually, I stretched it hard with a cloth several times, I felt some terribly burning sharp pains but the pressure went away, but it became very swollen and painful for three days. Once the swelling went down I woke up with very very bad vertigo. Whenever I lay down, or my head either relaxed backward or forwards I suffered terrible vertigo. After a week, the vertigo slowly went away, but I started to feel that my head was unstable and when I either sat down or stood up the world would see-saw before my eyes and after standing up for a while I would start to feel brain fog. This too started to alleviate after a week and a half where I would only see the world seesaw when I was walking and experience brain fog if I walked or sat for a long time. Any time I lay down for a while the symptoms would slowly begin to alleviate. After another week I felt my balance was better, but have brain fog and blurred vision. Any walking, especially at a rapid pace, seems to aggravate the problem. Whenever I walk or move my head a lot the symptoms seem to get worse, whereas if I keep my head still or lay down they get better. Now I suffer constant light brain fog and blurred vision, but no balance problems. The occipital nerves are very tender as well as the base of the skull. I don't experience headaches but sometimes pain behind my eyes. Stress and bright lights make the brain fog and blurred vision worse.

A few months earlier I was suffering from pain and numbness in my head. I had an MRI and was diagnosed with a Military neck. I performed the exercises I was given and all the symptoms went away very quickly. This time when I performed the MRI it still said that my neck was flat. Again I performed the same exercises as I did last time but to no avail. All the exercises seem to do is exacerbate the problem. I sometimes feel a sharp burning pain at the base of my skull when performing them. I have visited a bone/neck doctor several times but have always received the same answer that it is impossible that I could have damaged the nerves in my neck and that I just need to do the exercises despite my complaints. One neurologist said there shouldn't be any problems because I have coordination and no numbness in my hands or feet, despite finding it difficult to balance and walk at that time. A second neurologist couldn't come to any conclusions but did say I had a Nystagmus and prescribed some dizziness medication that didn't help. I visited an eye doctor and there were no problems.

Male | 32 years old
Complaint duration: 1 and a half months
Medications: none
Conditions: none

2 Answers

Sorry to hear that you are having some significant issues. I would think a neurologist would be a good person to go to with your symptoms. Alternatively, try seeing a physiatrist or rehab doctor that deals with muscular skeletal issues.
A vexing problem. If you haven't had an MRI of the brain and cervical spine, I'd recommend that. One question, have you had COVID vaccine? Your symptoms could be related.
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