Urology Questions Urologist

Pain in lower left side of stomach?

For two weeks now I have pain in my stomach on the left side. I had cancer twice now kidney and bladder cancer.

Male | 59 years old
Complaint duration: 2 week's
Medications: none

4 Answers

Please see your Oncologist.

The symptoms that you are having may either be caused by a serious condition or something that is not serious but needs to be treated for your comfort. Your history includes two episodes of cancer, kidney and bladder cancers. However, not enough information is included about these conditions. Your concern is certainly understandable and you are worried that one of these cancers may be recurring. However, the pain syndrome may also be caused by reactions that are occurring due to previous treatments or surgery that you might have undergone.

It is important that your oncologist know about your symptoms. Then this person can diagnose the cause and recommend treatments. It is possible that a CT scan of your abdomen could be done to understand the cause of your symptoms. I would suggest that you make an appointment with your oncologist to discuss your symptoms and obtain any necessary tests to diagnose your condition.

Good luck.
People can have a third cancer, but it is rare. Pain is not a typical symptom of cancer and there are a lot of causes for abdominal pain. See your doctor, but chances are low you have another cancer...but not zero.

Your ailment requires exam and testing: physical palpitation, ultrasound and CT scanning (or MRI), blood and urinalysis. The region of your discomfort includes upper colon, spleen, outside left wall of the stomach. Persistent ache and pain can indicate inflammatory reaction to infection or diverticulitis or polyp or neoplasm.