Emergency Medicine Questions Emergency Physician

Pain under my left rib and test results?

I started having really bad pain under my left ribs it would come on with no warning. There was no common trigger but I found if I was having the pain and had recently eaten it was worse.

My doctor ordered tests and the receptionist advised it was all clear but recently I checked them and my ferritin levels were 9 which I have been advised is low. I have also started noticing I am bruising a lot more than usual. My sister grabbed my arm gently the other day and I now have a badly shaped bruise.

I’m still having the pain but they said nothing had shown and just kept on prescribing painkillers. Unfortunately, these do not help and I don’t like taking them as although they don’t help with the pain they do make me feel funny and I don’t like it.

Female | 26 years old
Complaint duration: 6+ months
Medications: Cocodomol
Conditions: Just migraines

3 Answers

What are the diagnostic imaging studies that were performed? It might help us in future advice or suggestions.
Based on your description an area of your discomfort as well as the medication you’re on mites be resulting in mild pancreatitis. If you are using alcohol during taking that medication it will get worse, or if you’ve been on the medication for a significant period of time you might have developed a tolerance and the pain medication is no longer working. If you’ve stopped taking the medication abruptly without a taper you might be experiencing withdrawal symptoms mildly. Speak with your provider about where your pains are and also did they do any pancreatic enzymes. A stool test for occult blood is also reasonable to ensure that you don’t have any gastric irritation because of your medication that you’re taking for your migraines. Your symptoms may all be described by the medication that you are currently on. This is something that needs to be discussed with your prescribing provider for further evaluation. And also constipation is a very common side effect of this medication. I hope this was of help to you, and thank you for requesting my help. Good luck to you, have a good day.

Be well
Brent Reinheimer, MD
Consult Hematology and get a CT scan of your abdomen and pelvis. This is a hematologist issue involving your spleen. Maybe ITP.