Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatric Disorders

Panic Attacks

I keep getting panic attacks and I have hyperventilation I keep passing out and my heart feels like it stops. Why is this?

5 Answers

when you are having a panic attack, p your body is in fight or flight mode, your heart rate goes up because if you were to see a bear or tiger you would need to run away. Your brain remembers the panic attack and thinks you are in trouble again. You are safe. you may need help calming your mind down.
Hyperventilation during panic attacks can sometimes leads to you not
getting enough oxygen because you’re breathing too rapidly, which could
lead to passing out. The heart feeling like it stops could be a
manifestation of your anxiety and panic
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Hyperventilation can constrict your blood vessels, decrease blood flow to your brain and cause you to pass out.

The good news is that this is treatable.

Are you working with a psychiatrist?
Consider your breathing as the center of all our body’s functioning. If you learn to gain control of your breathing in situations like this, it will then slow your heart rate, you won’t have that pressure in your chest, the tingling in your fingers and toes will subside and your sense of panic will get better. Try this breathing exercise….inhale through your nose for 3 seconds, hold it in for 7 seconds, then exhale through your mouth slowly for a period of 8 seconds. Do that 4 times in a row to practice. Careful not to do it too much initially or you’ll get dizzy.
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