OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) | Gynecology Questions


So last time I was checked for STD’s was last July and I didn’t have any std’s but since last July I’ve been with the same partner yet I’m always paranoid about STD’s and germs in general
Anyways so I have my own bottle of soap in my room, I took my soap to the bathroom with me and after wiping I grabbed the soap and washed my hands I believe I put the soap back in my room poured the soap in my hands and then washed my hands again, right after that I went downstairs to get a container of salad and ate some food but then I got paranoid that I didn’t wash my hands after I touched the soap bottle so I wiped off all the stuff that I touched downstairs with a disinfectant wipe but I just wanna make sure that I can’t give anybody any germs that way

Female | 23 years old

1 Answer

This sounds a little like obsessive-compulsive thinking. I don't think you need to be worried about contracting or transmitting an STD in this setting. But you may want to talk to a counselor about OCD.