Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopedist

Should I see a doctor for shoulder joint pain?

I have shoulder joint pain. I think it is because of my sleep position. Should I see a doctor for shoulder joint pain?

8 Answers

Yes, an evaluation by a joint specialist is recommended
If the pain is severe enough to worry you, it can not hurt to see a doctor. First changing the sleep position might give you the answer.
If the pain persists and limits usual activities, I would see your doctor
I would schedule an appointment with an ATC like myself, a physical therapist, or a chiropractor. An initial evaluation from a clinician should include some baseline measures of range of motion and strength to devise a treatment plan for you that incorporates a sequence of soft tissue treatments, corrective exercises, and rehabilitation. This evaluation may also determine whether or not you should be referred to a physician for imaging or further consultation.
If it is bothering you and persistent, yes you should see your doctor for a physical examination and potentially imaging.
It really depends how long this has been going on. I typically tell patients that if the pain continues for greater than 2 weeks, its best to get evaluated. Most of the remedies are simple and can help you sleep and function better.