Urologist Questions Urologist

Urgent sudden need to urinate?

I have a very slow urine stream. I have chronic stomach pain, sometimes along the bottom of the rib cage. I have sharp sudden pain on the lower left side of my body just atop my left hip. Many times presents at time of urgent need to urinate. The chronic pain is usually across lower rib cage area. I have had urethral stricture for many years. It was treated daily with Flomax. I had a recent laser procedure (2 weeks) to deal with stricture. Did not assist with difficulty urinating. Now the pain is also presenting on lower right side also, opposite original left side pain.

Male | 61 years old
Complaint duration: Pain 2-3 months
Medications: Tramadol 50 mg.Flomax 0.4 mg. Losartan 100 mg. Meloxicam 15 mg.
Conditions: Controlled elevated B/P

1 Answer

Please check with your urologist.