Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenteorlogist

What are the spots in my stool?

I am a 17 year old female and I have been seeing a few white colored spots in my stool for 3 months now. I don't know what it could be from. Firstly my stomach started making weird gurgling noises. A few days later I remember going to the bathroom and using it, saw a few spots. As soon as I moved with my family to a new state the gurgling stopped but the spots still continue. I've had a lot of gas since then in my stomach, a little bit of pain but not extreme pain. I also see an increase in mucus in my stool, (not too much) but it's some there. Any help? No medications by the way. And all of the fruit I've eaten I've washed and veggies by the way. I had a cucumber that wasn't peeled and I ate it but I washed it very very well and my mom bought vegetable wash for fruits and vegetables, plus all the fruit and vegetables I've eaten so have my family. So if it were from the fruits/ veggies wouldn't they have this as well?

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months

1 Answer

It doesn't sound like anything abnormal in your stool. Eating a lot of vegetables can cause bloating and gas so you can try reducing those a bit to help with your symptoms.