Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What is the difference between Lasik and Femto Lasik surgery?

I am a 30 year old male. I want to know what is the difference between Lasik and Femto Lasik surgery?

3 Answers

LASIK means you are cutting the cornea to make a flap. Lifting the flap then lasering. The flap is replaced. Femto is another laser making the flap. The other method is an extremely sharp blade called a microkeratome makes the flap. Outcomes are the same for both. Femto will cost more.
Lasik is the earlier refractive surgical procedure before femtoLasik. Lasik uses a blade system to make the Lasik (thin corneal) flap, suction is released and the cutting instrument is removed, the flap is lifted and the laser is then used to reshape the cornea to treat the refractive error (myopia, astigmatism and/or hyperopia), and the flap is then repositioned over the laser treated cornea. FemtoLasik is done without a separate blade system.
Lasik uses a microkeratome to cut the corneal flap. Festive second laser uses a laser to cut the corneal flap or pocket but still requires a knife to lift the pocket.