Dermatologist (Pediatric) Questions Dermatologist

Worried about my daughters rash?

My 4 year old has had a breakout/rash on her chest for about a week. We took her to a walk-in and they said it looks like eczema. But I'm worried it's something else. It looks like it's healing but it also looks like it's still spreading.

Female | 4 years old
Complaint duration: 13 days
Medications: Cream for rash and amoxicillin

5 Answers

Strep can cause a rash with amoxicillin will treat
There are multiple childhood viral illnesses that can cause a rash which adult Dr are rarely familiar with
Eczema can come and go depending on weather topical soaps and creams
Is the rash itchy? is it responding to the cream? what does the rash look like?
Moisturizing cream
Hello, it is most likely an Amoxicillin related rash. Best to check with your pediatrician. Meanwhile, you can try CeraVe cream and sunscreen.
Without pictures, it is hard to say for sure. If your daughter has not had a previous history of eczema, it would be unusual for this to start at her age. Eczema can intensify and become bigger with itching, but it does not “spread” per se. I would be concerned that the rash is something else as well and would recommend you visit a pediatrician for another opinion. The antibiotic given typically would be considered if there was thought that it was actually an infection, but amoxicillin does not cover the bacteria that cause skin infections well. If it is an infection, it is not likely to respond to amoxicillin.