Pediatrician Questions Heartburn

Can kids really get heartburn?

My daughter is 11 years old, and she was complaining of heartburn the other day--to the point where she was unable to eat. I think heartburn in an 11-year-old is a little abnormal. Can kids really get heartburn like this?

5 Answers

Yes, kids can get heartburn. However, your child needs an evaluation to determine what is causing the heartburn. Heartburn could be from gastroesophageal reflux, or could be from musculoskeletal pain, and cardiac. Accidental caustic ingestion, or foreign body ingestion should also be considered.
Has she been eating a lot of hot chips, peppers, soda? All these predispose one to reflux. Also, being overweight can make it worse. You can try OTC products and changing her diet. If she is not better, she would need an evaluation.
Yes kids can get heartburn at any age. You should see her pediatrician, and have a chat with her about stresses and worries.
I have a little bit of a slanted basis on this since I am a pediatric gastroenterologist, but we see this all the time.

Mark R. Corkins, M.D., S.P.R., C.N.S.C., F.A.S.P.E.N., A.G.A.F., F.A.A.P.
Yes, they can. Kids with GERD and other esophageal disorders may complain of heartburn.