Internist Questions High Blood Pressure

What can be done for my mother's high blood pressure?

My mother has a number of health issues, one being high blood pressure. What can we do (without too many medications) to lower her blood pressure?

4 Answers

It depends on the cause of her high BP. The treatment may require medication and some medication and dosage manipulation.
Here’s what I would typically recommend to folks who have high blood pressure.
1. Get a good doctor. Someone who is going to prescribe the right medications
2. Track the numbers. Get a cuff for home use and check it 30 minutes after getting up every day. Bring the record to the doctors office
3. Eat healthy. Exercise. Watch sodium in the diet. People who take care of themselves through lifestyle often need less medication.
4. Get good, quality sleep. If someone snores or is sleepy during the day and has high blood pressure, sleep apnea is something to consider. Treating sleep apnea also reduces blood pressure medication demand.
5. Tell your doctor all the supplements you take. Some can influence blood pressure or the metabolism of medications. The more the doctor knows the better
5. If prescribed a medication, take it. If you only take it sometimes it won’t work. If you don’t tell the doctor you’re not taking it every day you may end up getting more medication prescribed.
Good luck!
Some actions your mother could take (without medication) and/or things to be aware of and possibly avoid in order to lower her blood pressure include the following:

1) *Weight loss* (this may be simplest by reducing or avoiding the "white" foods - SUGAR, FLOUR, BREAD, POTATOES, PASTA, MILK PRODUCTS - and, of course, the common foods that contain these, commonly known as "junk food" or "sweets," which include candy, cookies, cakes, chips, soft drinks, ice cream, etc.)
2) *Exercise* may also help your mother lose weight, and as little as 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week of brisk walking may help
3) *Stress reductio* and exercise helps to reduce stress as well as lower BP
4)*NSAIDS* drugs like ibuprofen(Advil) and naproxen (Aleve) can raise the BP
5) *Other dugs* like decongestants (common ones include Afrin, Neo-synephrine, and various "cold medicines") or steroids (like prednisone) can also elevate BP
She should be evaluated by her PCP to put her on medication!!!