Gastroenterologist Questions Osteoarthritis

Gastric bypass in 2012 then had gall bladder removed 2016 now I'm losing so much weight! I look sick

I've been sick for some time with pain from osteoarthritis, now I'm losing weight, and look terrible. I'm seeing a gastro, and she thinks there's nothing wrong but I can feel that something is off. I can't stop losing weight, pain is horrible, blood work is off and MRI aren't showing anything but worsening spine stenosis arthritis and disc disease. I think the gastric bypass and then the gall bladder removed and the pancreatic ducks that are dilated are tied in together. I wish someone could find an answer before its to late.

Female | 60 years old
Complaint duration: Since gall bladder removal
Conditions: Post gastric bypass, gall bladder removed, osteoporosis spinal arthritis in joint and spreading

3 Answers

When someone is losing weight, the first thing I try to determine is if the patient is taking in sufficient calories. A lot of weight loss happens because not enough calories are being ingested. If the calorie intake is adequate, then this means that there is a process going on that will not allow those calories to be stored. The usual causes would be malabsorption (the ingested calories are not being digested and assimilated) or a catabolic process (calories are being digested and assimilated but then are expended by an inflammatory or malignant condition). The answer may or may not be GI in origin, but if you are not getting anywhere with your current doctors, then get a second opinion.
Gastric bypass anastomosis could narrow down to the point it does not allow food to go through. Upper endoscopy should be done to evaluate. Other causes of weight loss include thyroid dysfunction, chronic pancreatitis which requires special stool and blood work and other endocrine causes. Vitamins and minerals replacement is essential.
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Gastric bypass can have devastating side effects and complications. You need proper diagnosis and management, especially if you don’t feel right. Don’t hesitate to get a second opinion.