Psychiatrist Questions Concentration

Is there a way that I can concentrate better?

I am a 37 year old man and I have a very wavering mind. Sometimes I am unable to concentrate on my work properly. Are there any mind exercises or anything I can do?

8 Answers

There are may causes for loss of concentration. It can be certain psychological factors, (stress, anxiety, depression) or physical, (ADD). First find out what is causing this and then certain remedies, mind exercises or medication can be tried.
First, you need to understand where the symptoms are coming from. An evaluation for depression and anxiety needs to be done as these symptoms could cause a lack of concentration and focus. Once you know the cause, then the solutions can be provided.
Consider using a Mindfulness app such as Headspace
Yes, I think it would be helpful to study mindfulness - the books by Jon Kabat-Zinn would be a good place to start.

Tony Stanton, MD
Sometimes I have seen undiagnosed ADHD in your age. After proper diagnosis, it’s easily treated with stimulants.
There are different techniques used by people to help them stay focused. Try 1 hour work followed by 5-10 minutes break schedule. Also, highlighting, breaking work into smaller portion helps. Making a list helps. Adding graphics to work helps some.
First of all, you need to be appropriately evaluated by your doctor to determine what is causing the concentration problem, as it could be the symptom of number of physical and mental illnesses. There are some mind exercises that could be beneficial/helpful, but having a thorough evaluation should be done and then consultation with appropriate specialist, as mind exercises and some medications could be helpful if chosen carefully by the appropriate specialist.
Hope this will be of some help.
Mindfulness meditation, but see a professional to look into anxiety and ADD. Worst case is a neurologic issue.