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I’m having back pain. I’m 36, I’m taking Tylenol extra strength as needed and the pain relievers my dr. Prescribed only when the pain is almost unbearable. When I went to my...

How long should I take Axogurd Nt

Hello, I am asking this for my wife (25 years) who has consistent neck pain which radiates to the right arms, we had been to a specialist who suggested Axogurd NT and Hifenac...

Broke/fractured hand

So I fell at the beginning of the week and didn’t think anything of it but the last few days of I barely touch the outside/under my pinky on my hand it hurts so bad I want to cry...

Does ankle sprain need surgery?

I sprained my ankle. Does ankle sprain need surgery?

What pain medications help with spine hernia?

I got a spine hernia from an incident. What pain medications help with spine hernia?

What helps with a swollen ankle?

My ankle is swollen. What helps with a swollen ankle?

Sharp pain in both upper ribs

I have sharp pain in both ribs upper rib area. I don't know what it is but it hurts really bad. I can't really move my body at all when the pain is excruciating.

does wearing a bra affect development

I don't wear bras and i've never did. but my dad keeps pushing me to wear one and saying "if you don't then the ligaments will go weak without the support and they will look deformed!!!"...

My knee

I’m having sharp stabbing pain in my knee cap

Does walking help bad knees that are extremely painful?

Hello, my question has to do with knee pain and exercise. Below are the notes from my knee Doctor. I work 8 hours daily, 40 hours a week. I work at a plastic sheet factory...

knee pain

i have a little pain in my right knee from the outside part . it has been long time it goes and return i feel unbalanced when jumping and it hurts a little bit when doing squats...

Wrist and hand pain

Im a 47yr old female I have carpal tunnel and arthritis . if i do pretty much anything with my hands my fingers and or wrists will hurt swell and knots will also come up on hands...

Unable to walk or bare weight on my legs

I have had 6 knee replacements on left knee and bone spurs removed twice from left ankle(ankle was frozen due to spurs and where they were located). 5 months ago slightly tore...

Back Pain

Hello, I am just curious what may be the problem with my back. I was playing flag football one day and I got basically sandwiched to where I got pushed from behind into someone...

My Back Pain is Killing Me!

So, it all started a few days after school started on August 31. I was sitting down in my classroom then it was time to leave so I started to get up and felt a pain in my back....

I hurt my knee this morning

This morning I got on the bus (I take a small bus that takes me to a bigger bus to get me to school) and when I was trying to get off the little bus (there is a pretty small space...

Calves Muscle Cramps

2 days ago during my soccer practice, I've had a calves cramps on both legs and 2 days later (now) I still feel a little bit sore on my left leg. I have a soccer practice tomorrow...

Sprained wrist

I had pain in my wrist.

Hip flexor or labrum injury?

How can I tell whether I injured my hip flexor or my labrum? I tore my labrum in my right hip two years ago and am having similar symptoms in my left hip now, but my athletic...

Cortisone Shot and Nausea

I’m 19 years old and female, I am currently on birth control and have been being treated for pain in my knee. I was given a lidocaine shot this last monday and a cortisone shot...

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