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Can diet influence our sleep?

I read an article which spoke about a connection between what we eat and how well we sleep. Is this true? What is the ideal diet to sleep well?

My daughter is grinding her teeth. What could be the reason behind this?

My daughter is 4 years old and has been grinding her teeth very badly. What could be the cause for this? Is it some discomfort? What can i do to ease it for her?

How effective is turmeric to cure a ringworm infection?

I have been suffering from a ringworm infection for the last 1 week. Someone told me applying turmeric to the affected area will not only cure the problem but also prevent it...

Is Propidren safe and effective for hair loss? How does it work?

I am a 33 year old woman who just had a baby and am suffering from pretty severe hair loss, especially in the front around the temples. I have heard that Propidren may help,...

My mother has a constant headache despite the medications she is taking. What can I do to help her?

My mother is 56 years old and has been suffering from a constant headache. She has been on painkillers for the last 3 days yet the pain doesn't seem to be settling down. Can...

How safe are natural and ayurvedic medicines to treat constipation?

I am having severe constipation for the last 1 week. I am extremely disturbed and irritated because of this and have also been unable to eat well due to this. Are there any natural...

My wife is suffering from adenomyosis. Will ayurvedic medicines be able to help her?

Post delivery my wife is suffering from adenomyosis which leaves her extremely weak and tired during the days of her periods. Will ayurvedic medications help her deal with this...

Lab tests

Why do some naturopaths do lots of lab tests and others don't? How important are hormone tests?

Can I consume ayurvedic medicines to sleep better?

I am having very disturbed sleep for the last month due to work tension. I don't want to have allopathic medicines for sleep. Can I opt for ayurvedic medicines for a better sleep?...

Hand pain after carpal tunnel surgery

I had carpal nerve release done several years ago. I am still getting pain in my hands and arms. Is there another nerve that could be causing a problem? Do I just have to live...

Long term narcotic use

I am on prescribed long term narcotic medications. I experience frequent constipation. Is there a natural remedy for this?

I am very intolerant of narcotics

With my intolerance of narcotics, what might be an option for me when I do need a serious pain killer? I know I need to have joint replacement surgery in the near future and the...

How effective is clove oil to reduce tooth pain?

I am experiencing pain in my tooth. I read somewhere that clove oil can be very effective in treating toothache. Is this true? What is the right way to use clove oil to alleviate...

Does echinacea work?

Does echinacea really help with a cold? Should it be taken daily or only when you have a cold?

I have lupus. How can I treat it naturally?

Medications prescribed for me in the past have not worked. Are there ways I can naturally treat my lupus?

What medication can you not prescribe?

I would like to go to a naturopath. I take several prescription though. Are there limits on the type of prescriptions you can order? One of my medications is Ativan.

I don't like taking high blood pressure medication

I have been on Lisinopril for high blood pressure for many years. My blood pressure is well regulated but I really don't like how the medicine makes me feel. It's nothing specific,...

Is my vitamin b12 deficiency from my change in diet?

Recently, I altered my diet to include less meat and dairy protein sources. I just went to the doctor and learned I am slightly low in vitamin b12. Is this from my dietary changes?...

Excessive burping with stomach pain -- what's the reason?

Throughout the day, I will experience episodes of burping with a burning stomach pain. Sometimes it feels like acid, but sometimes it is more dull. What can I do to fix this?...

Natural treatment for kidney stone?

Once in a while, I get kidney stones. I've never gone to the hospital for them as they have been relatively small. Is there a natural way to treat and prevent them that doesn't...

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