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What are the symptoms of colitis?

I think I might have colitis but don't want to get a colonoscopy. What are the colitis symptoms, and are there other ways to diagnose it?

What causes rectal pain?

For several weeks, I have had shooting pains in my rectum. What should I do? Is this a sign of something serious?

Are there any risks involved in getting a colonoscopy?

I'm 27 years old, and my doctor wants me to get a colonoscopy. Are there any risks involved in getting a colonoscopy?

Will surgery treat hemorrhoids?

I have hemorrhoids, and I tried treating them with over-the-counter medication. But it's not helping at all. Would I need surgery?

Should I be concerned about rectal bleeding after surgery?

I had a hemorrhoidectomy two days ago, and with my bowel movements there's a slight bit of blood--I believe from my rectum. My surgeon didn't mention this to me. Is rectal bleeding...

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