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Is physical therapy effective for chronic knee pain?

I have chronic knee pain. Is physical therapy effective for chronic knee pain?

Can physical therapy help elbow pain?

I have chronic elbow pain. Can physical therapy help elbow pain?

Is physical therapy effective for chronic wrist pain?

I have chronic wrist pain. Is physical therapy effective for chronic wrist pain?

How long is physical therapy after hip fracture?

I will have physical therapy after a hip fracture. How long is physical therapy after a hip fracture?

Should I get physical therapy after knee surgery?

I will have knee cap surgery. Should I get physical therapy after knee surgery?

Should I have physical therapy after scoliosis surgery?

I will have scoliosis surgery. Should I have physical therapy after scoliosis surgery?

How long should I have physical therapy after knee replacement?

I will have a knee replacement. How long should I have physical therapy after knee replacement?

Can physical therapy cure shoulder impingement?

I have shoulder impingement. Can physical therapy cure shoulder impingement?

Can physical therapy help hip arthritis?

I have hip arthritis. Can physical therapy help hip arthritis?

Knee pain?

The inner part of my knee hurts and the back of my knees hurts as well. They also are throbbing. It appeared with a black bruise near the inner part of my left knee. Now it’s...

How much pain is too much in a medical boot?

The surgeon/doctor gave me the Ok to 100% weight bear in a walking boot yesterday. I can't get myself to weight bear my full weight as it hurts and I don't know if the pain is...

Recovery time?

1. Left iliopsoas tendon in contiguity with ventral half likely accounting for clicking. 2. Suggestive for bilateral FAI, femoroacetabular impingement, cam variety. 3...

Is physical therapy effective after shoulder surgery?

I will have shoulder surgery. Is physical therapy effective after shoulder surgery?

Is physical therapy effective for knee pain?

I have knee pain. Is physical therapy effective for knee pain?

Is physical therapy effective after scoliosis surgery?

I will have scoliosis surgery. Is physical therapy effective after scoliosis surgery?

Is my ankle broken or sprained?

I jumped off a balcony and heard a snap/crack/pop in my left ankle. I can’t really walk or put pressure on it, it’s excessive pain, I can’t move my toes without pain, and it’s...

Both feet are swollen?

I am a 56 year old male, I have meniscus surgery 9 weeks ago on only my left knee. My wife says my feet have been swelling before the surgery but I never noticed. They are swollen...

Can physical therapy help after hip replacement?

I will have hip replacement surgery. Can physical therapy help after hip replacement?

What exercises are best for scoliosis?

I have scoliosis. What exercises are best for scoliosis?

What exercises are best for knee arthritis?

I have knee arthritis. What exercises are best for knee arthritis?

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