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Vaginal boil?

I think I have a boil on my vagina. It's a big, red, and painful pimple. I used antiseptic cream but I'm not sure if it works. What should I do?

Am I pregnant?

I missed two periods and my doctor was supposed to do a blood test but instead, they’re sending me to an ob-gyn but I’m anxious to go. I’ve taken home tests but they’re either...

Pregnancy constipation?

What can I take for constipation during pregnancy?

Pregnany or hormone changes?

I had a tubal ligation 5 years ago, my last period was 45 days ago. I'm 31 years old, at the beginning of May I started taking diet pills but quit 4 days later due to side effects,...

Linea nigra treatment?

I already for 5 years have a linea nigra and I never have or been pregnant and never had it before. I'm 23 years old female I don't know how to get rid of it also scrub it so...

Vaginal bleeding?

I have been bleeding for almost 2 months straight…I did the abortion pill process the first week of April and they said I was going to bleed for about 2 weeks up until my next...

Conception date?

What would my conception date be if my due date is November 22?

Late menstrual period?

I am 3 days late for my periods and I don't have sex, my last period was a bit earlier and I don't have sex. I use piroxicam on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of this month to avoid menstrual...

Vaginal sores?

My vagina is itchy and it has things like sores on the clitoris. The itchiness happens at night and it gets swollen when I scratch it but after taking a bath it goes away for...

Progesterone contraceptive pills?

I am 18 years old and I want to start getting progesterone contraceptive pills. Can you tell me if I can at my age?

Messed up my birth control?

I missed the last pill in my birth control pack (no placebo pills) and now instead of my period, I’m having extremely light spotting. I have no other symptoms. I last had sex...

Small lump in my breast?

I have a small lump in my breast around the nipple area, I just had a mammogram last Monday and the results came good but I'm concerned about the lump.

Bleeding again?

I haven't had sex in 4 years but I had sex 2 days after getting off my period was 5 days long. Then I started another period that has lasted now 6 days. What could possibly be...

Is this HPV?

I had sex with a new partner and developed a tear in the process. 2 days after the part became whitish then it was rough to touch and looks spiky when I look in the mirror. It's...

Do I have a yeast infection? How can I treat it at home?

Two days ago I started feeling some discomfort and thought nothing of it because I'm only 16 and not sexually active. The next day my vulva was very itchy/red and I had a clumpy...

Missed Xulane patch?

I am on the Xulane patch and my week 2 patch came off after one day so I had to use my week 3 patch and now am behind. I started my period basically a week early. I can't get...

Pregnancy possibility?

I recently had unprotected sex with my boyfriend and he ejaculated in me two weeks before my period. Can you tell me what’s going to happen next?

Light period or what is it?

Idk if I’m having early pregnancy bleeding or a light period. There’s been light pink on the tissue when I wipe. But it’s not every time there were a few blood drops in the toilet...

Vaginal bleeding about 3-4 days since my last period?

I'm 19 years old. I don’t take medication, I have one daughter that’s two years old, and I had a miscarriage in January. I just got off of my period about 3-4 days ago. And...

How much folate should I take during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and want to take folate. How much folate should I take during pregnancy?

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