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Broken Tooth and Swelling

I have no medications. I have cowden syndrome. Years ago I got hit in the side of the face chipping my tooth. I'm a mom of two toddlers, a PhD. student and with Covid I was...


I have just gotten my brackets and am finishing the whole process later this week. How long should I take to eat?

Gums bleed a little when brushing after a deep cleaning

So I hadn't gone to the dentist in almost 7 years and had a deep cleaning because my gums were bleeding a lot when brushing and had a lot of calculus. After that I've been brushing...

Stomach pain

So I had a toothache, that went away, then I started feeling sick. Now I'm having a sharp pain right under my ribs in the middle. Should I be seen right away?

Can you chew gum with a traditional dental bridge?

I have a traditional dental bridge for a missing canine with crowns on my premolar and front tooth. Can I chew gum?

Can you chew gum with a traditional dental bridge?

I have a traditional dental bridge for a missing canine with crowns on my premolar and front tooth. Can I chew gum?

Popped Jaw

Hi, I yawned a couple of days ago and popped my jaw. It isn’t swollen but it hurts and I can hardly eat. I have taken 800mg ibuprofen and BC powder. I just know if this will...

My teeth are always yellow even after i brush it everyday

i Brush my teeth every time i eat something but it's still kind of a yellowish color what should i do?

My teeth are always yellow even after i brush it everyday

i Brush my teeth every time i eat something but it's still kind of a yellowish color what should i do?

Tooth Extraction

Hi! I’m in excruciating pain. I recently had 4 teeth pulled & im having extreme pain with one of them. I don’t know if it’s dry socket but i haven’t been able to sleep cause...

Bitterness in mouth

I am a boy. I am 16. Two weeks ago I had oral sex with a 30 year old boy and drank his cum. Now I feel so much bitterness in my tounge. I can't eat anything

Dental implants

I have had procedure scheduled for a long time to put dental implants in. A few weeks ago I had a dvt in my leg and I am taking eliquis. Is it possible for me to have that surgery...

X-ray shows dark area at root tip advised to have a root canal, but have never had any symptoms should I wait

During routine cleaning X-ray shows dark area at root tip, have never had any symptoms at all, a root canal is advised can I wait?

What type of sore is this? Do I need to worry about it?

I’ve had what I assumed to be a canker sore for 2 1/2 weeks that mostly went away but once it was almost gone came right back. I’ve now had it for around 4 weeks total. The size/shape...

Cold sore

I have a cold sore on the corner of my mouth and I know I’m herpes negative, is it just the weather or do I actually have herpes ? ? ?

Loss of taste

Hi, I'm a 20-year-old healthy college student. I recently had a decrease in my sense of taste to where I am mainly just tasting the aftertaste of things rather than the typical...

Jaw pain

Jaw hurts ear ache teeth pain

Why my jaw hurt when I open my jaw fully

I played football 4 days ago. Was running and sliding. After when I was eating i opened wide to take a bite and instant pain. It has been like this no changes.

Is there a way to make your canines longer/sharper?

I've always wished I had longer/sharper canines, which I realize is a bit of a silly thing to want, but I was wondering if it would be possible to address that at some point.

Canker Sore

Hello, I had a canker sore develop and it hurts when I swallow on the left side of my mouth. My lymph node also hurts on the same side. Is this normal. I believe it is a canker...

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