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What causes face swelling?

I have some swelling on the left side of my neck under and to the back of my jaw. What is it?

I have a small ridge in the middle of my forehead?

Recently (2-3), I have been noticing a lot more recent discomfort in the middle of my forehead. I would occasionally get the discomfort every now and then, however, it would disappear...

Is this a symptom of pelvic inflammatory disease?

Could untreated PID cause my belly button to become infected on the outside? I shower at least once a week never had this issue before (crusty irritated red skin with slightly...

What can I do about the bump on my head?

I'm 14, male, and was born with a bump on the top left or right of my head. I've come across people online whose head stopped their brains from growing properly, so I'm scared...

Could this be necrosis?

My mom had a severe injury on her leg she has 32 stitches up her leg and 5 pins holding it together. She had two surgeries done and is waiting for her third. After three days...

I have little black pores?

I have little black pores in my nose and I really want to remove them so bad.

My changing moles?

I have two moles on my back that have changed over the last couple of years. They seem to be colored and shaped a bit odd. I'm calling to make an appointment tomorrow just thought...

I have an unknown skin issue?

I don't know what it is. Even after years, it itches, and also it became black in color. Whenever I itch it, it becomes bigger.

What is causing this bloating?

For the last couple of weeks, I am suffering from severe bloating in my stomach area. My ankles are also swollen as is my jawline. I have been taking 100 mg thyroxine for about...

I have a skin tag DIY removal issue?

I have a skin tag near my groin. I tried to tie it off with my hair. I didn't tie it tight enough and I can't remove the hair and the skin tag is swelling. Please help. Should...

Why do I have a bruise for 6 months on my foot?

I am a young woman and I have has a smallish (size of a quarter) bruise on my foot that hasn't changed in look/color for a few months. It has been may be over 6 months and it...

Can lidex be used on open weeping rashes?

I am an overweight person and my stomach folds get boils and then break open and weep. I've been using nystatin or baby powder, baby powder seems to work the best but they just...

Is it cancerous?

I have a lump on the left side of my neck for the last 2 days. 2 days ago I feel like having a fever and It feels like I have something stuck on my throat then it's gone after...

Why do I have a petechial rash?

I went shopping yesterday when I got home I noticed I have a petechial rash around both ankles. This happened before my PCP did blood work and said I was ok.

What condition do I have?

Hi, I have struggled with blood-related issues for half a decade. I am 29, no prior history of cancer. I have some past allergies but got over them as an adult. I have been...

How do you treat nail fungus in children?

My son has nail fungus. What are the treatment options?

How do I treat my painful rash?

I have this painful rash or hive that's little red bumps with top head blackish-blue on my back and side of my left breast they hurt and itch.

How to get rid of a nose bump?

I have a bump on my nose after getting it pierced, how do I get rid of it?

What is the right dose of acne medicine?

I’ve had acne for years. I’ve used adapelene for the past year with no success and I want to start accutane. I’m wondering the right dose for me and how long I should stay on...

Nail pitting after taking Accutane?

I recently finished my six month course of Accutane (30mg/day the first month then 60mg/day the training months), and I noticed about two months ago that the pinky nail on my left...

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