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What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Fatty Liver?

In fatty liver disease there is a build up of fat. Too much of fat in the liver can pose health problems. Liver basically filters everything that we eat or drink. Also from the blood it filters harmful substances. If there is too much of fat in the liver this process is interrupted.

By building new liver cells the liver normally repairs itself. However permanent scarring can happen if the damage is repeatedly happening. Fatty liver disease is a condition that with lifestyle modifications can be reversed. Usually in fatty liver disease there are no symptoms unless the condition progresses.


  • Abdominal pain- liver disease or liver failure can be indicated by abdominal failure. In the center or right upper portion of the abdomen you can feel the discomfort. This may indicate internal bleeding. If blood vessels in the gastrointestinal tract rupture then tinges of blood may occur and blood may also occur in the stool. Sometimes a condition known as ascites may occur.
  • Fatigue- the body will try to protect itself and to the organ will pump excess blood if any organ in our body becomes dysfunctional. This leads to severe energy loss and the activity that they were once able to enjoy they suddenly are not able to participate in it. According to researchers the feelings of fatigue and exhaustion may occur due to changes in brain chemistry and hormone production. Along with fatigue there are additional neuropsychiatric symptoms.
  • Unexplained weight loss- sudden unexplained weight loss may occur due to fatty liver disease.
  • Jaundice- it causes yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. The excess level of bilirubin in the blood causes yellow deposition. Since the liver function is diminished these excess bilirubin cannot be excreted from the body. Jaundice is classified into three categories such as hepatocellular, haemolytic and choleastic.
  • Swelling- due to fluid retention in the abdomen and liver, ascites may occur. in this the abdomen becomes tight and engorged. But this is not limited to the abdomen and stomach, fluid retention may occur in the lower legs, feet and ankles too. This happens because excess fluid is drawn down into the lower regions of the body due to natural action of gravity.


  • Obesity- according to doctors, the risk of liver fatty disease increases due to obesity. The risk increases by 75 percent. The middle ages individuals are most prone to the disease.  it means that if you are in 40 or 50’s and are overweight then the risk is higher.
  • Genetic inheritance- sometimes often a primary indicator of future health problems is heredity. For instance children or grandchildren may get the disease if the biological parent or grandparent was affected by liver disease. It is especially important to be proactive about maintaining good health if you are genetically predisposed to fatty liver disease.
  • Certain medications- at the first sign of mild to moderate pan many people take Tylenol. But the liver can be significantly impacted by just a single large dose. Over a period of time acute liver failure occurs due to excessive amount of acetaminophen. Even a liver transplant may be needed in severe cases.
  • Alcoholism- an individual may get wide range of problems due to excess intake of alcohol. It can damage the organs. However liver is the organ that is most significantly impacted by chronic alcohol abuse. Once alcohol is introduced in the body it relies on the liver to process it. This can cause damage to the liver and to perform it regular functions it may struggle.
  • Recreational drugs- since recreational drugs cause people to act in a way that is strange and dangerous it is illegal. But the body also can be harmed by these drugs if they are taken in excess. It may also affect the liver. Drugs such as opiods, heroine, cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy are drugs that can present serious problems.
  • High cholesterol- high cholesterol damages the liver in children too. Due to unhealthy diet and little or no exercise up to one third of adults and 10 percent of children have fatty liver disease. People who are overweight , in 65 percent of Americans fatty liver disease is not uncommon but even in people who are healthy and lean, this disease develops.