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Dr. Sharon Michelle Dowell, MBBS


Dr. Sharon Dowell is a rheumatologist practicing in Farmington, CT. Dr. Dowell specializes in the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and systematic autoimmune conditions that can affect the bones, muscles or bones. Eventually, if not treated, these illnesses can also impact the skin, eyes, nervous system and internal organs. Dr. Dowell treats diseases similar to orthopedists but does not perform surgery. Often times, research is conducted to find potential alternatives for the patients illness.
24 years Experience
Dr. Sharon Michelle Dowell, MBBS
  • Washington, DC
  • University of the West Indies Faculty of Medical Sciences
  • Accepting new patients

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Excess sweating and drowsiness are not common adverse effects of Sulfasalazine or Hydroxychloroquine. About 10% of patients on Sulfasalazine may experience some skin rash and gastrointestinal READ MORE
Excess sweating and drowsiness are not common adverse effects of Sulfasalazine or Hydroxychloroquine. About 10% of patients on Sulfasalazine may experience some skin rash and gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, stomach pain). Hydroxychloroquine is generally well tolerated.

The most considered adverse effect is of possible damage to the eyes with long term use. This injury to the eyes is reversible, if it is detected early and the medication is stopped. All patients are hence advised to have regular eye doctor visits to check for signs of this damage.

Please speak to your rheumatologist about this and about your recent symptoms.