Healthy Living

Alternative Treatments for AIDS

Alternative Treatments for AIDS

There is a term called “complementary and alternative medicine” (CAM). This term means that there are other ways to treat AIDS and HIV than traditional medicine. Sometimes CAM is used with traditional medicine. The patient is administered complementary medicine when it is used along with conventional medicine. And Alternative medicine is when it is used instead of conventional medicine. Here are some complementary and alternative therapies.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has many different techniques, in fact, there are actually over 80 different types. Therapists press and rub different muscles of the body. The ultimate goal of the therapy is to vary pressure and movement. There are some risks involved but the risks are very minor and nothing too dangerous. However, it is best to ask a professional about massage therapy. Most of the clinical and anecdotal research on massage therapy is confusing, but a lot of the evidence seems to strongly suggest benefits regarding pain alleviation and positive indicators for many other medical conditions. Most of the studies also clarify that these effects are not long-term and the patients need to continue massage therapy on a long-term basis. The patient cannot use massage therapy instead of conventional medical treatment. Anyone who has a medical condition should first and foremost discuss everything with the doctor. It is only after extensive consultation that the doctor will help you choose an appropriate massage therapist. Even before the treatment begins, the patient must thoroughly verify the experience, skill, and reputation that the massage therapist brings to the table. The patient also needs to be clear about the length of the treatment, how much it is going to cost them, and whether their medical insurance covers the treatment.

The patient must also inform their doctor about any and every alternative health treatment they are undergoing. The more information you provide to your doctor the better he/she will diagnose and manage your condition. This way you are assured of a clear, informed and safe line of treatment and therapy.

Dietary Supplements

Supplements are like vitamins. They are essentially food products that are taken along with the main course of the meal. These products contain dietary ingredients like vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids. They are to be taken by mouth in the following ways:

  • Tablet
  • Capsule
  • Powder
  • Gelcap
  • Softgel
  • Liquid

Patients’ who are suffering from the HIV infection are sometimes advised to include dietary supplements that support their suppressed immune systems, or even negate the strong effect of the HIV medication that they are taking.

Supplements That Could Support Treatment


This supplement has been used in the past to treat people with diabetes who are suffering from nerve pain. It is very likely these may help alleviate such pain induced by HIV infections also. It has also been suggested that this supplement will only be helpful if the patient already lacks Acetyl-L-carnitine.

Whey Protein

Preliminary studies show that whey protein, which is derived from cheese, can induce positive weight gain in patients suffering with HIV. This supplement also seems to stop diarrhea in such patients.

Supplements That Don’t Support Treatment

Garlic Supplements

Even though garlic is widely lauded as something that supports the body’s immune system, garlic supplements can easily impact negatively with a several HIV medications. This lessens the drug’s effectiveness by half.

St. John’s Wort

This supplement is widely imbibed as an antidepressant, but this is also known to render different kinds of HIV medication as ineffective.

Regardless of the treatment or therapy, the patient would be well advised to discuss all such issues with their doctor or therapist. This will ensure that all lines of treatment will be complementary and there will not be any adverse effect of the medication on the patient.

The question on how dietary supplements are made might come up. The short answer is that they are made from plant products, minerals, or omega-3 fatty acids. Some of these supplements are important to maintain health and prevent disease. For example, women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant are advised to take folic acid to prevent major birth defects to their babies’ brains and spines. Believe it or not, there are no laws regulating dietary supplements. Manufacturers do not have to prove that their products are safe or effective before they hit the shelves at the store. So ultimately ask your doctor before taking any supplements. This way your doctor will know if they are effective or cause a side-effect to your current medications. Your doctor will know what is best.


Meditation is just different ways or techniques to control the mind. These techniques are used by many different cultures. They have been used for many thousands of years. These techniques are often used for religious reasons. Some people believe that meditation can be used as medicine and is a form CAM.


This technique has been around the longest and is used in many different parts of the world. What is acupuncture you might ask? It is a way to try and restore the body by hitting specific points on the body. Most acupuncture involves hitting the skin with solid metallic needles in specific locations. It can also be used by electrical stimulation.

The Bottom Line

All of these are alternative ways to try to treat AIDS and HIV. However, it is best to talk to your doctor as some of these ways might be harmful. An example would be the use of supplements, as they can affect the body in different ways if you are taking medication. The medication might react a certain way if there is more than the usual amount of a mineral or vitamin in the body. So always keep in mind that it is best to talk to your doctor before trying anything new. The saying “better safe than sorry” applies to this because the effects could be harmful. Remember to always follow your daily regime and think before trying anything new. That way you can protect your body and live healthy.