Healthy Living

What Is Acne: Get the Facts


What Is Acne: Get the Facts

Acne is a condition that affects the oil glands of the skin. The pores connect to oil glands underneath the skin. These glands form an oily substance referred to as sebum. The pores then link to the glands via a canal known as the follicle. Inside these follicles, oil transports dead skin cells towards the outer surface of the skin. Thin hairs also grow through the follicle and finally to the skin. When skin follicles clog up, pimples grow. Most cases relating to pimples become visible on the face, shoulders, chest, and back. Acne isn’t a serious health condition, but it can trigger the development of severe scars.

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Acne isn’t a serious health condition, but it can trigger the development of severe scars.

How Does Acne Occur?

Sometimes, the skin, sebum, and hair cells set together to form clumps. The bacteria present in the plug causes extreme swelling, and when the plugs begin to break down, pimples grow. There are several types of pimples. They are:

  • Papules: are reddish at the bottom and contain pus on the top.
  • Whiteheads: is a form of acne that stay below the skin surface. They don’t manifest on the outer surface of the skin.
  • Nodules: are large and solid-shaped, usually accompanied with detrimental pain. They occur deep under the skin.
  • Blackheadsrise to the surface of the skin and appear black in color. However, the blackish color isn’t a resultant from dirt.
  • Pustules: are pimples that have pus at the top and appear reddish at the bottom.
  • Cysts: are very deep, pus-filled sores that can trigger the occurrence of scars.

Who Gets Acne?

This is a very common disease affecting the skin. People of all ages or ethnicities can get acne. However, it’s most common among teenagers as well as young adults. It’s estimated that 80% of the people aged between 11-30 years old experience acne at one point in their lives. Some adults in their 40s and 50s can still get acne.

Causes of Acne

The precise cause of acne is unknown. However, medical experts believe that certain factors such as greasy makeup, using or stopping the usage of birth control pills, hormonal changes during pregnancy, certain medications, genetics and heredity, as well as the rapid increase of hormones in teenagers are the possible causes of acne.

Treatments for Acne

Acne is often treated by physicians who deal with skin problems. Treatments aim to prevent scarring, heal pimples, help minimize the embarrassment of living with acne, and stop the occurrence of more pimples.

Early medication is the only sure way to prevent the development of scars. Your medical specialist might suggest over-the-counter or prescription medications. Certain drugs for treating acne are injected into the skin. Other medicines include pills that are swallowed.


Taking Care of Your Skin

If you have acne, there are things that you can do to help you take good care of your skin:

  • You can gently clean your skin every morning using a mild cleanser.
  • Don’t expose yourself to the sun. Most acne medications can worsen your condition. Too much exposure to sun radiations can cause excessive wrinkling or even skin cancer.
  • Shave carefully.
  • Avoid touching your skin.
  • Avoid squeezing, pinching or picking your pimples can cause the occurrence of severe scars or dark spotting on the skin.
  • Try shampooing your hair frequently.
  • Choose your makeup carefully. Opt for something that’s oil free.