Acupuncture Questions Internist

Are there any natural treatments for chronic tonsillitis?

I have chronic tonsillitis. Are there any natural treatments for chronic tonsillitis?

17 Answers

It depends on many factors. Chronic tonsillitis is a form of inflammation. Acupuncture and herbs are amazing for treating any kind of inflammation anywhere in the body. However, it would depend on your situation.
There are natural treatments for chronic tonsillitis. Please, make an appointment with an acupuncturist to see how we can help you. Alexandre Hillairet, DAOM. Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. 2660 E. Main street., Suite 202, Ventura, CA, 93003. 22048 Sherman Way, Suite 206, Canoga Park, CA, 91307. (805)798-4018 or (818) 307-6326 IMPORTANT NOTE! The information in this electronic message is intended
Not for chronic tonsillitis, but to boost your natural immunity, lemon, honey in water has some anecdotal data. Ginger also known to have similar properties.
Chronic tonsillitis is a persistent inflammation of the tonsils, and while natural remedies may help alleviate symptoms or support your overall health, they should not be considered a sole replacement for medical treatment, especially if your condition is severe or recurrent. Always consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. That said, here are some natural remedies that may provide relief or support:

1. **Saltwater Gargle:** Gargling with warm saltwater can help soothe a sore throat and reduce inflammation. Mix about half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and use it as a gargle.

2. **Hydration:** Staying well-hydrated can help keep your throat moist and prevent irritation. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

3. **Honey and Lemon:** Mixing honey and lemon in warm water can create a soothing drink for a sore throat. Honey has natural antibacterial properties, and lemon provides vitamin C.

4. **Herbal Teas:** Certain herbal teas, like chamomile or slippery elm, can be soothing and help reduce throat discomfort. Be cautious with herbal teas if you have allergies or sensitivities.

5. **Rest:** Adequate rest is essential for your body's natural healing processes. Ensure you get enough sleep to support your immune system.

6. **Humidifier:** Using a humidifier in your room can add moisture to the air and relieve throat dryness and irritation.

7. **Probiotics:** Some studies suggest that probiotics may help support the immune system and reduce the frequency of throat infections. You can find probiotics in yogurt or supplements.

8. **Vitamin C:** Foods rich in vitamin C, like citrus fruits and berries, can support immune health. Consider including them in your diet.

9. **Avoid Irritants:** Stay away from smoke and other environmental irritants that can worsen throat symptoms.

10. **Ginger:** Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and may help soothe a sore throat. You can make ginger tea or add it to your meals.

It's important to note that while these natural remedies may provide relief from symptoms, they are not a substitute for professional medical evaluation and treatment, especially if your chronic tonsillitis is causing severe discomfort or interfering with your daily life. In some cases, chronic tonsillitis may require antibiotic treatment, or your healthcare provider may recommend surgical removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) if infections persist.

Consult with an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist or a healthcare professional who can assess your condition and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan, which may include natural remedies as supportive measures.
Avoid cold drinks, cold and heat exposure. Take antioxidants like vitamin C, glutathione etc.
Unfortunately tonsillitis is a manifestation of chronic inflammation of your tonsils. You may get transient relief with salt water gargles, betadine gargles, anti inflammatory medications like ginger, turmeric but they would not offer long term relief and symptoms tend to return
You can try acupuncture it might help you.
Acupuncture helps chronic tonsillitis with time by strengthening immunity.
Keeping tonsils clear of mucus such as with gargling or water pik use may help
I suggest you try acupuncture with herbs, and sometimes massage, for your chronic tonsillitis. You will probably need 2-3 sessions per week for 4-8 weeks to get the best results.
Chronic tonsilitis may have many causes which will be treated different ways depending on the Therapist you visit.
At home you may pay attention to the way a child dresses in winter time. Make sure winter shoes are on and the throat and neck areas are well protected.
Observe also if any foods can increase the tonsils to show infections.
Acupuncture, Reflexology, Homeopathy , Massage therapy and so on for the possible health specialits in your area.

In my fiels of Era Reflexology I would evaluate the situation and offer an approach to identify the cause and then treat with a cold Laser Pen.
Usually the sessions bring relief.
Nothing data supported, but various patients have had success with different options they found reading things on the internet. Removing the tonsils is the only sure way to stop chronic tonsillitis
You can use hydrogen peroxide based mouth washes. You can also use a water pick to remove them.
If your tonsils are infected with bacteria such as strep throat, your body may be able to fight the infection on its own. However, we still recommend treating it with antibiotics since there are variants of strep that can cause complications if untreated such as rheumatic heart disease.

If you have chronic tonsillitis many times per year over a number of years, you may want to talk to an ENT about the risks and benefits of getting your tonsils removed (tonsillectomy).
Acupuncture can elevate your immune system, so it can help. Your practitioner may also prescribe some herbs to stop the infections. At the very least, I would get on some immune-boosting supplements.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine might be able to help. A naturopathic doctor may also be able to provide non-surgical/non-prescription medication options. Depending on where you're located, an Ayurvedic practitioner (traditional medicine of India) may also be able to assist.