Bariatric Surgeon Questions Gastroenteorlogist

Can I exercise after gastric bypass surgery?

I will have gastric bypass surgery. Can I exercise after gastric bypass surgery?

2 Answers

I had a friend who had it this is what they were advised however since having it she (personally) has had to giveup some foods she used to drink alot of soda water but know finds this not only gives her hicups ( every time) she also gets very vadly bloated. As for the below remember we use out abdominal muscles for so much more exasabating them with exercise could lead to tearing stiches/opening wounds increased pain During the first six weeks after surgery, do not lift any more than 15 lbs; otherwise, exercise up to pain threshold. Avoid abdominal exercises for the first eight to 12 weeks (allow the incision to heal). This helps alleviate abdominal hernias near or around the incision
This is a question for a bariatric surgeon
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