Dermapathologist Questions Dermapathologist

Can it be melanoma?

I have noticed a large black spot on my heel a week ago. It's not painful, it's not difficult to walk or stand but I don't remember having any kind of trauma or having an injury before. I'm standing a lot during the day because of my job. I wonder if it could be melanoma or some serious disease.

Male | 30 years old
Complaint duration: A week
Medications: Ciperus for UTI
Conditions: I had a very light urinary tract infection

1 Answer


You are a 30 year old man with a “black spot” on your heel. You are concerned that it might be a melanoma.

You state that there are no associated symptoms accompanying this lesion, and you don’t remember any trauma or associated illness with the appearance of this lesion.

Melanomas of the foot are rare but certainly occur in the list of diagnoses when an abnormal lesion is detected. There are other possible causes of these lesions, however, and it is best to ask your doctor to examine the lesion and counsel you on the best way to proceed. Occasionally exposure of your foot to injurious chemicals in new footwear may cause a discoloration. It may become necessary to perform a biopsy in order to know the definitive diagnosis.

Good luck.