Surgeon Questions surgeon

Can you live a normal life after a colon resection?

I will have colon resection surgery. Can you live a normal life after a colon resection?

4 Answers

You can live a normal life with colon resection. The big issue is the frequency of the bathroom and dehydration. The Large Bowel does the job of taking water out of the waste and concentrating it for disposal. Many people with ulcerative colitis have their entire large bowel resected. I had a friend in med school with it, he is a practicing surgeon now, he just had to monitor his fluid intake and output. If you have a partial resection often not as large an issue. Thx.
Flip answer is did you have a normal life before your colon resection? But the devil is in the details: why are you having a colon resection? Was it for cancer or diverticulitis? How much is being removed? Will you need a colostomy and then is another surgery planned ? We all took the Hippocratic Oath, so I cannot image you are having your colon removed without reason? If it was for pain or cancer obviously your life will be improved - whatever happens after that is in your hands and nothing can stop you but you.
Yes, you can, though it may mean having an ostomy or a J pouch.